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Wednesday, August 18, 2010


Have you ever felt as though you were the only person on earth, isolated and at peace with nature? A cool breeze blowing from behind you, carrying your troubles away into the mountains... The grass around your feet dancing to the tune of a tranquil, yet harsh environment... In the distance, a  bearded vulture makes its way through the sharp, blue skyline, leaving you envious of his carefree life.

This is just one of the many inspiring scenes which two members of the V&L team, Dereck Milburn and Craig Gebhardt, had the privilege of experiencing during a site visit to the Sehlabathebe National Park in eastern Lesotho.

The 6 500ha Sehlabathebe National Park is located in the Eastern Highlands of the Mountain Kingdom of Lesotho and is the only proclaimed National Park in the country. The Park forms the southernmost section of the Maloti Drakensburg Transfrontier Conservation Area where it shares a 12 km intersection on the border with uKhahlamba Drakensburg Park – World Heritage Site (UDP-WHS) in South Africa.
With picturesque views of sandstone outcrops, wetlands and grasslands, the sense of place of the Sehlabathebe National Park is unquestionably unique.

V&L Landscape Architects had previously assisted the Peace Parks Foundation in the development of a Tourism Master Plan for the Park in 2006. This Master Plan identified numerous unique opportunities in the park. In 2007, the World Bank funded the construction of one of the R 35 million, Sehlabathebe National Park Heritage Centre, a facility which is geared for the purposes of environmental education and training. This facility is now complete but not yet operational.

With the aim of getting the Heritage Centre operational, the Lesotho Tourism Development Corporation (LTDC) has appointed V&L to assist with identifying a short term operator.

This is the first phase in the roll-out of tourism concessions in Sehlabathebe National Park in line with the tourism masterplan.

The LTDC contracted V&L to undertake an assessment of the Heritage Centre and determine the potential of the facility as a concession opportunity. This showed that the newly built Heritage Centre provides an attractive business opportunity for the development of a unique ecotourism/conservation/heritage training facility located in a remote and pristine environment. 

Although the design of the facility is firmly aimed at educational purposes, a small component of the facility could be considered for use as basic self-catering overnight accommodation.

V&L have since initiated a solicitation process in an effort to identify an appropriate training operator to fulfil the role as a short term operator of the Heritage Centre for a period of three years, extendable by two. This concession is structured as a short term opportunity as it will be reassessed once the other concession opportunities identified in the park are offered for tender. The short term operator will however have the first right of offer to extend the operational contract of the Heritage Centre at that point.

In addition, the LTDC expects the concessionaire to play an active role in the promotion of Lesotho as a unique destination through the provision of quality promotional materials in print and via electronic media.

Close cooperation with the community situated around the national park is expected from the prospective operator. The incorporation of the rich Basotho culture as part of the training experience through visits and interaction with the neighbouring communities in a respectful and meaningful way is encouraged. It is further expected that human resources for staff operations are selected and trained from among local residents and that income generating opportunities through the provision of products and services to the Centre operation are encouraged. 

If you feel that operating a facility of this nature in a breathtaking environment is your calling, please do not hesitate to review the Background Information Document (available here - 3Mb) and provide us with the relevant Expressions of Interest forms by the 30th August 2010.

Monday, August 16, 2010

Wonderwerk Cave – 2,3 billion years in the making

As Landscape Architects, we at V&L sometimes work on projects that allow us to feel important – projects that boast high profile names and cost billions of rands. Every now and then, however, we find ourselves realizing how small and insignificant we really are, especially in terms of the history of the world and of the human race.

Mandy van der Westhuizen of V&L got a taste of this while working on a plan for the Development and Management of a Public Archaeological Site at the Wonderwerk Cave in the Northern Cape Province.

The cave is an ancient solution cavity, exposed at one end by hillside erosion and extending 139m into the base of the Kuruman Hills. The cave is made up of stratified dolomitic limestone dating back 2,3 billion years.

This amazing cave literally contains the ‘dust of ages’. Finds excavated from layer upon layer of sediment have revealed a unique chronological record, up to two million years long, of humankind’s history in South Africa, extending from prehistory to our modern settlers.

The cave is of national significance and was declared a National Heritage Site in 2010. It is also on the Tentative List for World Heritage Inscription and has been selected as one of the world’s 100 most endangered sites (World Monument Watch 2010 listing).

V&L tackled this unique project on a provincial, regional and site specific level. As a starting point, a synopsis of the regional archaeology and heritage based destinations was undertaken, in addition to the adventure and eco-tourism based destinations available.

Based on the extracted opportunities and constraints, V&L recommended the establishment of a Kimberley – Kuruman tourism route making use of the R31. The heart of this route would be special interest tourism focused on cultural, historic, and archaeological sites, and one of the primary draw cards on the route would be the Wonderwerk Cave.

Once this main link is established, secondary loops may be created, tying in with the primary link, and making use of other roads and points of entry into the region.

On a site specific level, V&L recommended a strategy for developing the Wonderwerk Cave site. This strategy was based on the realization that the existing structures and infrastructure on the site have been inappropriately planned, located and constructed, and that these actually compromise the integrity of the heritage site.

At the same time, V&L also acknowledged that this infrastructure facilitates access to the site, and allows ongoing research and educational tours to take place. In this respect, these structures and infrastructure hold some value which should not simply be discarded.

Ultimately, V&L recommended that the Wonderwerk Cave site layout be ‘reorganized’ for better use, operation and maintenance. This entailed re-looking at the overall planning and use of the site. The result was a sketch plan proposal which fits comfortably onto the site, and promotes easy and legible use, management and maintenance.

In order to ensure that the development and management proposals for Wonderwerk Cave do not remain on paper, V&L proceeded to undertake the next level of planning in support of the recommended plan. This included a business plan, an operating plan, a financial plan (capital & operational), an implementation plan, a marketing plan and an overview of potential risks & problems.

With all the above in hand, the Northern Cape Economic Development Agency, in conjunction with the McGregor Museum are now in state to move forward and develop the Wonderwerk Cave in a manner worthy of its heritage status. As a result, we are assured that we will always be able to visit this remarkable piece of history and feel small and insignificant in its shadow…

Recycling at St Paulus School – a community project made real

Do you sometimes talk about doing something good for your community, or contributing something positive to the world around you? Well, Peter Velcich of V&L Landscape Architects ‘walks the talk’ and puts the rest of us to shame…

In 2009, Peter, a parent of two at St Paulus Primary School in Pretoria, became involved in the design and construction of a real life community project on a pro-bono basis.

This project, which entailed the development of a recycling collection point or ‘Recycling Village’ at the school, began with a vision to design more than just a drop off point for recyclable waste, but to create something that would educate and inspire as well.

The design of the Village aims to elucidate key environmental issues such as sustainability, energy efficiency, renewable energy and water conservation:

  • The windmill represents the harvesting of wind power. Although this does not actually pump water, plans are to connect it to a dynamo to provide electricity to light the village.

  • The ‘leaf roof’, which is based on biomimicry (i.e. mimicking nature in design), harvests rain water and feeds it into a collection tank so that it can be used for irrigating the landscape.
  • The use of xerophytes and other indigenous species represents the environmentally responsible choice of using plant material with low water requirements.
  • The use of bottles, natural stone, broken bricks and tiles, timber lattes and old car tyres in the construction of the village represents the primary principle of sustainability – the reuse of materials.

In the paving, V&L has incorporated elements of the trophic triangle into the design using various materials. These elements of air, water, earth, plants, animals and humans are represented as interlinked in the circular design of the paving. This concept illustrates that all these elements are interdependent, and most importantly, that we as humans are reliant on these elements for our survival.

The parents, learners and staff of the school were largely responsible for the construction, and with the aid of various corporate and private sponsors, V&L were able to design and oversee the implementation of a R300 000 facility at no cost to the school!

The Recycling Village is now fully operational, and is managed by a volunteer committee of mothers who oversee the collection, sorting and storage of about 7,6t of plastic, glass, paper and tins each month. It operates at no cost to the school, with revenue generation from the recycling of materials as a secondary benefit.

Thursday mornings are ‘Recycling Day’ at St Paulus, where the learners are encouraged to bring recyclable material from home and to sort this and deposit the items in the correct bins. The learners accumulate recycling points and work together as classes towards the ultimate term prize - free pizzas from the local Mimmos Pizzeria.

Future extension plans include a wormery for the production of compost, a vegetable garden and a small amphitheatre, so Peter’s work is not done yet…

Marghazar Zoo, Islamabad: a New National Zoo for Pakistan

These days, very few zoos are initiated from scratch. Most interventions are either additions to or adaptations of existing facilities. In 2008, Rodney Brown of V&L Landscape Architects had the rare privilege of working on the Master Plan for a brand new zoo from the ground up…

The design intention for the Marghazar Zoo in Islamabad was to produce a world class education, research and conservation facility, concentrating on the indigenous fauna of the subcontinent, including a number of rare and endangered species. The zoo was to be all-inclusive in terms of support structures and infrastructure.

The planning approach was to organise the exhibit species according to the four primary geophysical categories which occur in Pakistan. These include highland mountains, deserts, grasslands and the wetland / riverine areas associated with the Indus River.

A fifth category was also added, exhibiting the more charismatic species from areas outside of the sub-continent.

The exhibit species were thus first grouped according to the above categories, and then in terms of diurnal / nocturnal habits. Each of the exhibit areas therefore included an indoor nocturnal building where photo-inverse techniques were applied for viewing purposes.

Other structures included aviaries, reptile enclosures, catering and conferencing, and support structures.

Three levels of activity were planned for, namely the visitor experience, the servicing / operational activities, and the exhibits. Each of these held equal devotion to planning and design: comfort, safety and efficiency.

Closer inspection of the master plan reveals how a full service area, including administration buildings, workshops, kitchens, overnight accommodation, hospital and holding enclosures, formed the operational core of the facility.

Each of the exhibit enclosures was designed to allow free-roaming, and included night / management houses tailored to the requirements of the respective animals. These were planned to be directly accessed from the service roads, and the enclosures equipped for temporary subdivision to assist management.

In the enclosures, the landscape was designed to imitate the typical environment being represented, with extensive use of rock / stonework and open soil with indigenous plants. Water holes, rather than drinking troughs, were designed.

The buildings utilized traditional sub-continent building materials within a contemporary context, thereby increasing visual integration. No attempts were specifically made at disguising / hiding buildings, although they are often partially sunk due to the topography.

A 1,7km visitor route was planned to traverse the entire zoo, ensuring that all exhibits are accessible without retracing one’s steps. In all external cases, the visitor route was separated from the animals by level differences, moats, hotwires, etc.

Great care was taken to avoid the use of palisades, fences and the like. Of particular interest is that the visitor route was planned to never cross service roads at grade, and to give access to a number of picnic, prayer, convenience and rest areas.

Integrated into the above, were pockets of high-design landscaped plazas, gardens and visual buffers.

The new 54ha Marghazar Zoo in Islamabad is currently under construction and the development programme is expected to extend over the next several years.

Although V&L are not involved with the implementation phase of this project, it remains a highlight of 2008, for V&L, and certainly for Rodney.

Meyersdal – we’re for horse lovers!

It’s always such a treat when you find yourself working on a project that you find close to your heart. On rare occasions such as these, being on the clock hardly feels like work at all!

One the newest staff members at V&L Landscape Architects was lucky enough to discover this when she worked on the Master Planning of the Meyersdal Equestrian and Country Estate in the early months of 2010. Having grown up on a smallholding, Roxanne has always been a horse lover, and was thrilled to be a part of this exciting planning exercise. What better way to live than with your horse nearby, especially with all the conveniences of modern living thrown in to the mix?

At present, the site, Meyer’s Farm in Alberton is a known equestrian destination offering dressage, recreational and show jumping as well as a riding school. However, growing concerns about safety in this rural setting, as well as the ecological and historical integrity of the site, prompted the client to start looking at long term development and management options. The final solution would need to preserve the important aspects, solve the problems, and maximise the potential of the site. This was the brief received by V&L.

The central idea at Meyersdal Equestrian and Country Estate was for horse lovers to live within a 5 minute walk of their equine best friends and to be able to enjoy the benefits of owning a horse, all within a safe, beautiful and diverse environment.

Within this historical setting characterized by grasslands and a small trickling stream, V&L set out to combine conservation, environmental management and sensitive design and plan a quiet retreat tailored for horse enthusiasts. The master planners wrestled with the layout, which grew and evolved until it finally fit the site and its character. The master plan, once complete, included the following activities:

  • A low density residential Country Estate bordering the beautiful Klipriviersberg in the south.
  • A complex consisting on an Equestrian Centre, a Hotel, an Outdoor Museum and some higher density residential accommodation, situated in the area of current activity.
  • An Office Park and additional higher density residential accommodation, situated in the north east section of the site.

Integrated planning allowed the ecology of the site to be protected, and even enhanced. It was proposed that the stream be rehabilitated and that the existing storm water from the highways (which currently represents a problem on the site) be dealt with through landscaped retention ponds. It was also proposed that disturbed sections of the veld be rehabilitated to their natural state, and that the ridge be protected in its pristine and untouched state.

Careful attention was paid to the farm’s historical significance and aesthetic value. It was proposed that all new buildings be built in the Old Transvaal Style, to compliment the existing historical buildings and to enhance the sense of place within the estate.

It was also recommended that new life be breathed into the existing historical buildings, and that they be adapted for new uses. These buildings, which include a number of historical cottages, an Old Transvaal Style Hotel and an open air Agricultural Museum, are vital to the development, as they will lend authenticity to the historic character and charm of the estate.

Once this development is complete, bridle trails will wind their way past the homes and through the landscape at Meyersdal, allowing both resident and visiting equestrians to enjoy not only their sporting activities, but also the beautiful highveld environment set against the backdrop of the Klipriviersberg.

With such peace, convenience and leisure on the cards, Roxanne is considering a return to country life…

Friday, August 13, 2010

Training products and services

A new product and service from V&L, that we are very excited about! Please contact us at our Pretoria office for further information on these services.

Project Specific Training
In-service training
Supplementary Training in Educational Institutions (High school, FET, HET)
Training in Conservation Aspects
Training in Tourism Aspects
Environmental Assessment and Management Training
Social Development Training and Capacitation Products

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Our Expertise - Tourism Planning

V&L have become very involved in tourism planning throughout Southern Africa over the past decade, playing a pivotal role in the planning and implementation of the Transfrontier Conservation Areas for the Peace Parks organisation and the Department of Environmental Affairs and Tourism.

The company has pioneered a planning process based on the 4 primary determinants of a successful tourism development i.e. Access, Amenities, Attractions and Awareness.

Our Expertise - Environmental Management

Environmental Management, in order to achieve sound and sustainable development, makes use of a broad spectrum of environmental management tools. Broadly defined under the umbrella of Integrated Environmental Management, these tools include: Environmental Impact Assessments (EIAs), Strategic Environmental Assessments (SEAs), Integrated Environmental Management Procedures (IEMPs) and Environmental Management Programmes (EMPs).

This firm has always believed that correct ecological planning procedures will reduce the need for large impact assessments. This approach has been applied to a number of environmental impact assessments completed during the last few years. EIAs, IEMPs, and EMPRs encompass a host of environmental planning initiatives including aspects such as mitigation measures, rehabilitation procedures, monitoring, re-introduction of species, etc.

Our Expertise - Environmental Planning

Environmental planning is an holistic approach to planning whereby all aspects of the environment are studied and measured against the development requirement. This process enables planners and developers to clearly understand the opportunities and constraints of a site, and often guides the development towards an ecologically sustainable, economically viable and aesthetically acceptable development alternative. Common examples of such work are game parks and resource areas, eco-tourism ventures, recreation and conservation.

Our Expertise - Urban Design

Urban design, an integral part of the development process of the urban environment, primarily involves the planning and design of open space, public thoroughfares and structural exteriors.

Landscape design involves the creation of functional, healthy and enjoyable human environments and the protection and enhancement of the environment’s physical, ecological and aesthetic characteristics, both in a natural and urban context. It embraces the philosophies of both environmental planning and urban design.

Friday, May 21, 2010

Introducing Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) - A recent Case Study....

We were recently approached to undertake an emergency Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) for the construction of a power line leading to the new Mbombela Stadium in Nelspruit. The reason for this being an emergency was that the construction of the line was already underway and vegetation clearing had already taken place! The alignment taken was as per the record of decision issued by the environmental authority... however there had been a critical oversight....

The alignment discussed with Interested and Affected Parties by the EIA consultant had indicated that the line would run behind the viewshed and not impact on them visually. This had been acceptable to all parties and this was supposedly captured in the Environmental Authorisation. To cut a long story – the final map indicating the alignment of the power line did not show contours and had the power line placed in the incorrect position – in front of the viewshed. It was an honest error, but unfortunately it remained unnoticed. This same map was then presented to the engineers to design and manufacture the structures.

Over a year later the structures had been manufactured and were taken to site. Simultaneously bush clearing commenced. Everything had to happen quickly as power needed to be delivered to the stadium within 2 weeks of the commencement of construction as there were matches and events scheduled. It was at this point that Interested and Affected parties noticed that something was badly amiss!

Their view of pristine bushveld hillside was suddenly about to be altered by a series of large 20m high pylons! What was going on – Surely this was in contradiction to the findings and conclusion of the EIA process?!

The original consultants responsible for the EIA were called in to deal with the matter. The possibility of rerouting the power line to the position behind the viewshed was discussed.

  •  How much difference would this make?
  • Would it still be visible?
  •  In fact, what was the visual impact of the current alignment likely to be? Would it really be an unacceptable eye-sore?
It is not really possible to adequately answer these questions with words...

V&L were appointed to conduct a Visual Impact Assessment (VIA) for the proposed structures. Using GIS software we developed a detailed terrain model and imported the proposed power line and structures into the model. We were then able to perform accurate line of site queries to determine exactly what could be seen from any given point. 3D photographic representations were also undertaken to provide a clear visual representation.

This allowed us to quite clearly define the Visual Impact of the power line and the proposed alternative. It also provided us with detailed information on the height and placement of screening barriers that would be required should the client need to utilise the existing alignment.

Based on the fact that the structures had already been built and that it would not be possible to supply power to the stadium in time if new structures first had to be built, it was decided that best option would be to continue with the project and mitigate for the impacts created.

Building on the findings of the VIA we were able to develop a proposal for the planting of specific trees at given locations to screen the visual impact. Indigenous trees with a fast growth rate were preferred.

Photo modelling was again utilised to present a 1, 5, 10 year representation of the proposed mitigation.
VIA proved to be the critical tool required for decision making in this instance.
Given the critical need for the power line and the lack of time available to remanufacture structures for an alternative alignment, it was agreed that the power line should follow the proposed route and that impacts should be mitigated at substantial cost to the client according to the proposed visual plan.

Key Lessons learnt:
  • Visual representation and modelling of proposed development should not be underestimated during the EIA process.
  • 2D mapping of 3d structures is misleading and can lead to later conflicts.
  • VIA as a planning tool during the design stages could significantly reduce misunderstanding and risks later in the project.
  • VIA is a valuable tool in conflict resolution when discussing visual intrusions.
The use of computer modelling and GIS allows VIA to be tailored to suit the application and the available budget. V&L has undertaken high budget projects where comprehensive 3D modelling is required. While often more attractive, it is not always cost effective to create a full 3D model of all structures. For more simplistic projects, with small budgets VIA work can be undertaken purely using a derived terrain model and by making informed assumptions regarding vegetation height and surrounding structures.